Poverty Rate in Astoria, Oregon

  • In Astoria, Oregon, an estimated 1,212 of 10,030 people live in poverty.


  • What is the poverty rate in Astoria, Oregon?

    The poverty rate in Astoria, Oregon is 12.1%.

  • How many people in Astoria, Oregon live in poverty?

    In Astoria, Oregon, an estimated 1,212 of 10,030 people live in poverty.

  • How does the poverty rate in Astoria, Oregon compare to the average for Oregon?

    The poverty rate in Astoria, Oregon is the same as the Oregon average. In Astoria, Oregon, an estimated 12.1% of 10,030 people live in poverty. In Oregon, 12.1% of 4,161,550 people live in poverty.

  • How does the poverty rate in Astoria, Oregon compare to the US?

    The poverty rate in Astoria, Oregon is 3.97% lower than the US average. In Astoria, Oregon, an estimated 12.1% of 10,030 people live in poverty. In the United States, 12.6% of 325,521,470 people live in poverty.

Education level
Employment status
Work experience
Single people

Poverty Rate by City around Clatsop County

  • Cannon Beach, Oregon 8.1% of 1,207 people.
  • Gearhart, Oregon 5.8% of 2,057 people.
  • Jeffers Gardens, Oregon 50.4% of 117 people.
  • Knappa, Oregon 7.7% of 945 people.
  • River Point, Oregon 15% of 234 people.