Poverty Rate in Camden, Maine

  • In Camden, Maine, an estimated 384 of 3,567 people live in poverty.


  • What is the poverty rate in Camden, Maine?

    The poverty rate in Camden, Maine is 10.8%.

  • How many people in Camden, Maine live in poverty?

    In Camden, Maine, an estimated 384 of 3,567 people live in poverty.

  • How does the poverty rate in Camden, Maine compare to the average for Maine?

    The poverty rate in Camden, Maine is the same as the Maine average. In Camden, Maine, an estimated 10.8% of 3,567 people live in poverty. In Maine, 10.8% of 1,347,498 people live in poverty.

  • How does the poverty rate in Camden, Maine compare to the US?

    The poverty rate in Camden, Maine is 14.29% lower than the US average. In Camden, Maine, an estimated 10.8% of 3,567 people live in poverty. In the United States, 12.6% of 325,521,470 people live in poverty.

Education level
Employment status
Work experience
Single people

Poverty Rate by City around Knox County

  • Rockland, Maine 16.2% of 6,684 people.
  • Thomaston, Maine 10.3% of 2,101 people.