Poverty Rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut

  • In Daniels Farm, Connecticut, an estimated 362 of 6,056 people live in poverty.


  • What is the poverty rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut?

    The poverty rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut is 6.0%.

  • How many people in Daniels Farm, Connecticut live in poverty?

    In Daniels Farm, Connecticut, an estimated 362 of 6,056 people live in poverty.

  • How does the poverty rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut compare to the average for Connecticut?

    The poverty rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut is 38.78% lower than the Connecticut average. In Daniels Farm, Connecticut, an estimated 6.0% of 6,056 people live in poverty. In Connecticut, 9.8% of 3,514,107 people live in poverty.

  • How does the poverty rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut compare to the US?

    The poverty rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut is 52.38% lower than the US average. In Daniels Farm, Connecticut, an estimated 6.0% of 6,056 people live in poverty. In the United States, 12.6% of 325,521,470 people live in poverty.

    Poverty Rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut https://www.welfareinfo.org012345Under 18 yearsUnder 5 years5 to 17 yearsRelated childre ...18 to 64 years18 to 34 years35 to 64 years60 years and over65 years and over
      Poverty Rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut https://www.welfareinfo.org012345MaleFemale
        Poverty Rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut https://www.welfareinfo.org012345WhiteBlack or African Amer ...AsianSome other raceTwo or more racesHispanicWhite, not Hispanic
        Education level
          Poverty Rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut https://www.welfareinfo.org012345Population 25 years and overLess than high school graduateHigh school graduate (includes ...Some college, associate's degreeBachelor's degree or higher
          Employment status
            Poverty Rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut https://www.welfareinfo.org012345Civilian labor force ...EmployedMaleFemaleUnemployedMaleFemale
            Work experience
              Poverty Rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut https://www.welfareinfo.org012345Population 16 years and overWorked full-time, year-round in the pas ...Worked part-time or part-year in the pa ...Did not work
              Single people
                Poverty Rate in Daniels Farm, Connecticut https://www.welfareinfo.org012345SINGLE PEOPLEMaleFemale25 to 34 y ...35 to 44 y ...45 to 54 y ...55 to 64 y ...65 to 74 y ...75 years a ...Worked ful ...Worked les ...Did not workPopulation ...

                Poverty Rate by City around Greater Bridgeport County

                • Botsford, Connecticut 0% of 571 people.
                • Bridgeport, Connecticut 22.9% of 144,673 people.
                • Coleytown, Connecticut 4.6% of 3,390 people.
                • East Village, Connecticut 0.6% of 4,189 people.
                • Fairfield University, Connecticut 100% of 24 people.