Poverty Rate in Show Low, Arizona

  • In Show Low, Arizona, an estimated 1,465 of 11,670 people live in poverty.


  • What is the poverty rate in Show Low, Arizona?

    The poverty rate in Show Low, Arizona is 12.6%.

  • How many people in Show Low, Arizona live in poverty?

    In Show Low, Arizona, an estimated 1,465 of 11,670 people live in poverty.

  • How does the poverty rate in Show Low, Arizona compare to the average for Arizona?

    The poverty rate in Show Low, Arizona is 0.8% higher than the Arizona average. In Show Low, Arizona, an estimated 12.6% of 11,670 people live in poverty. In Arizona, 12.5% of 7,210,801 people live in poverty.

  • How does the poverty rate in Show Low, Arizona compare to the US?

    The poverty rate in Show Low, Arizona is the same as the national average. In Show Low, Arizona, an estimated 12.6% of 11,670 people live in poverty. In the United States, 12.6% of 325,521,470 people live in poverty.

Education level
Employment status
Work experience
Single people

Poverty Rate by City around Navajo County

  • Canyon Day, Arizona 52.6% of 1,613 people.
  • Carrizo, Arizona 90.5% of 285 people.
  • Chilchinbito, Arizona 59.4% of 849 people.
  • Cibecue, Arizona 76.1% of 1,419 people.
  • Clay Springs, Arizona 6.7% of 300 people.