Health Insurance Coverage in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island
In Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island, an estimated 9,707 of 9,954 people have health insurance.
In Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island, an estimated 247 people do not have health insurance.
97.9% of 10 thousand people
In family households
98.4% of people living in family households in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98.4% of 8 thousand people
In married couple families
99.2% of people living in married couple families in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
99.2% of 6 thousand people
In other families
95.3% of people living in other families in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
95.3% of 2 thousand people
Male reference person, no spouse present
87.5% of people living in Male-only households in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
87.5% of 385 people
Female reference person, no spouse present
98% of people living in Female-only households in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98% of 1 thousand people
In non-family households and other living arrangements
96.1% of people living in non-family households in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
96.1% of 2 thousand people
With a disability
100% of people with a disability in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 942 people
No disability
97.7% of people no disabilities in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
97.7% of 9 thousand people
Under 6 years
100% of children under 6 years old in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 607 people
6 to 18 years
100% of minors 6 to 18 years old in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 1 thousand people
19 to 25 years
95.5% of young adults between 19 and 25 years old in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
95.5% of 910 people
26 to 34 years
97.7% of adults between 26 and 34 years old in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
97.7% of 1 thousand people
35 to 44 years
95.6% of adults between 35 and 44 years old in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
95.6% of 1 thousand people
45 to 54 years
98% of adults between 45 and 54 years old in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98% of 835 people
55 to 64 years
96.2% of adults between 55 and 64 years old in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
96.2% of 2 thousand people
65 to 74 years
100% of seniors between 65 and 74 years old in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 1 thousand people
75 years and older
100% of seniors 75 years and older in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 782 people
Under 19 years
100% of people under 19 years of age in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 2 thousand people
19 to 64 years
96.6% of adults 19 to 64 years old in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
96.6% of 6 thousand people
65 years and older
100% of seniors 65 years and older in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 2 thousand people
97.9% of White people in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
97.9% of 9 thousand people
Black or African American
100% of Black people in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 283 people
American Indian and Alaska Native
100% of Native Americans in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 230 people
100% of Asian people in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 248 people
Some other race
97.8% of People of another race in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
97.8% of 178 people
Two or more races
89.8% of People with 2 or more races in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
89.8% of 166 people
98.6% of Hispanics in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98.6% of 294 people
White, not Hispanic
97.9% of White people with no other heritage in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
97.9% of 9 thousand people
Native born
98.2% of people born in the US in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98.2% of 9 thousand people
Foreign born
91.9% of foreign-born people in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
91.9% of 467 people
91% of naturalized citizens in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
91% of 422 people
Not a citizen
100% of people who are not citizens in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 45 people
Population 26 years and over
97.7% of people 26 years old and over in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
97.7% of 7 thousand people
Less than high school graduate
100% of people who did not graduate high school in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
100% of 465 people
High school graduate (includes equivalency)
95.6% of people who graduated high school in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
95.6% of 1 thousand people
Some college or associate's degree
99.3% of people who have some college or an Associate's Degree in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
99.3% of 2 thousand people
Bachelor's degree or higher
97.3% of people who have a Bachelor's Degree or higher in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
97.3% of 4 thousand people
Population 19 to 64 years
96.6% of people who are 19 to 64 years old in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
96.6% of 6 thousand people
In labor force
96.3% of people who are in the labor force in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
96.3% of 5 thousand people
96.8% of people who are employed in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
96.8% of 5 thousand people
91.2% of people who are not employed in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
91.2% of 433 people
Not in labor force
98.1% of people who are not in the labor force in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98.1% of 930 people
Worked full-time, year round in the past 12 months
97.4% of people who work full time in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
97.4% of 3 thousand people
Worked less than full-time, year round in the past 12 months
94.6% of people who work part time in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
94.6% of 2 thousand people
Did not work
98.3% of people who did not work in the last year in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98.3% of 822 people
Total household population
98% of all households in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98% of 10 thousand people
Under $25,000
95.5% of households earning under 25,000 in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
95.5% of 853 people
$25,000 to $49,999
98.3% of households earning between 25,000 and $49,999 in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98.3% of 1 thousand people
$50,000 to $74,999
98.7% of households earning between $50,000 and $74,999 in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98.7% of 2 thousand people
$75,000 to $99,999
98.5% of households earning between $75,000 and $99,999 in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98.5% of 657 people
$100,000 and over
98% of households earning over $100,000 in Wakefield-Peace Dale, Rhode Island have health insurance
98% of 6 thousand people
Health Insurance Coverage by City around Washington County
- Ashaway, Rhode Island 97.8% of 1,662 people.
- Bradford, Rhode Island 100% of 1,189 people.
- Carolina, Rhode Island 100% of 1,165 people.
- Charlestown, Rhode Island 97.1% of 1,702 people.
- Hope Valley, Rhode Island 98.8% of 2,180 people.