Health Insurance Coverage in Gulfport, Mississippi

  • In Gulfport, Mississippi, an estimated 57,734 of 69,978 people have health insurance.

  • In Gulfport, Mississippi, an estimated 12,244 people do not have health insurance.

    Health Insurance Coverage in Gulfport, Mississippi https://www.welfareinfo.org012345Some other raceWhiteBlack or African AmericanTwo or more racesHispanicWhite, not Hispanic
      Health Insurance Coverage in Gulfport, Mississippi https://www.welfareinfo.org012345PopulationIn family house ...In married coup ...In other familiesMale reference ...Female referenc ...In non-family h ...With a disabilityNo disability
        Health Insurance Coverage in Gulfport, Mississippi https://www.welfareinfo.org012345Under 6 years6 to 18 years19 to 25 years26 to 34 years35 to 44 years45 to 54 years55 to 64 years65 to 74 years75 years an ...Under 19 years19 to 64 years65 years an ...
          Health Insurance Coverage in Gulfport, Mississippi https://www.welfareinfo.org012345MaleFemale
            Health Insurance Coverage in Gulfport, Mississippi https://www.welfareinfo.org012345Native bornForeign bornNaturalizedNot a citizen
            Education level
              Health Insurance Coverage in Gulfport, Mississippi https://www.welfareinfo.org012345Population 26 years and overLess than high school graduateHigh school graduate (includes ...Some college or associate's de ...Bachelor's degree or higher
              Employment status
                Health Insurance Coverage in Gulfport, Mississippi https://www.welfareinfo.org012345Population 19 to 64 yearsIn labor forceEmployedUnemployedNot in labor force
                Work experience
                  Health Insurance Coverage in Gulfport, Mississippi https://www.welfareinfo.org012345Worked full-time, year round in the past 12 monthsWorked less than full-time, year round in the past 12 ...Did not work
                  Household income
                    Health Insurance Coverage in Gulfport, Mississippi https://www.welfareinfo.org012345Total household populationUnder $25,000$25,000 to $49,999$50,000 to $74,999$75,000 to $99,999$100,000 and over

                    Health Insurance Coverage by City around Harrison County