Health Insurance Coverage in Allen County, Indiana

  • In Allen County, Indiana, an estimated 352,189 of 385,201 people have health insurance.

  • In Allen County, Indiana, an estimated 33,012 people do not have health insurance.


  • How does the health insurance coverage rate in Allen County, Indiana compare to the average for Indiana

    The health insurance coverage rate in Allen County, Indiana is the same as the Indiana average. In Allen County, Indiana, an estimated 91.4% of 385,201 people have a health insurance plan. In all of Indiana, 91.4% of 326,912,547 people have health insurance.

  • How does the health insurance coverage rate in Allen County, Indiana compare to the US?

    The health insurance coverage rate in Allen County, Indiana is the same as the national average. In Allen County, Indiana, an estimated 91.4% of 385,201 people have a health insurance plan. In the United States, 91.4% of 326,912,547 people have health insurance.

Health Insurance Coverage by City

  • Fort Wayne, Indiana 91% of 261,639 people.
  • Grabill, Indiana 95.2% of 1,268 people.
  • Harlan, Indiana 96.9% of 1,613 people.
  • Hessen Cassel, Indiana 100% of 233 people.
  • Hoagland, Indiana 94.5% of 878 people.
Education level
Employment status
Work experience
Household income

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