Health Insurance Coverage in Conning Towers-Nautilus Park, Connecticut

  • In Conning Towers-Nautilus Park, Connecticut, an estimated 5,626 of 5,789 people have health insurance.

  • In Conning Towers-Nautilus Park, Connecticut, an estimated 163 people do not have health insurance.

Education level
Employment status
Work experience
Household income

Health Insurance Coverage by City around Southeastern Connecticut County

  • Baltic, Connecticut 86.5% of 1,150 people.
  • Colchester, Connecticut 99.5% of 4,688 people.
  • East Hampton, Connecticut 97.9% of 2,908 people.
  • Gales Ferry, Connecticut 88.6% of 1,079 people.
  • Groton, Connecticut 94.2% of 9,228 people.