What percent of Households Receive Food Stamps in Covington?
The percentage of households receiving food stamps in the last year in Covington is 1.5%.
How Many Households in Covington Receive Food Stamps?
There are 258 households out of 16949 in Covington receiving food stamps.
Where does Covington Rank in Comparison to Other Kentucky Cities for HouseHolds Receiving Food Stamps?
Covington ranks 149th out of 241 cities and towns in Kentucky for the least number of households receiving food stamps. A smaller numeric rank indicates a lower percentage of homes receive food stamps.
How do other cities in Kenton County compare to Covington when it comes to the percentage of homes receiving Food Stamps?
Cities must have a minimum of 1,000 residents to qualify
City | Food Stamps | Details |
Covington |
1.5% |
258 of 16,949 Covington households received food stamps within the past year. |
Crescent Springs |
0.0% |
0 of 1,475 Crescent Springs households received food stamps within the past year. |
Crestview Hills |
1.0% |
15 of 1,533 Crestview Hills households received food stamps within the past year. |
Edgewood |
0.0% |
0 of 3,200 Edgewood households received food stamps within the past year. |
Elsmere |
0.6% |
19 of 2,972 Elsmere households received food stamps within the past year. |
Erlanger |
1.8% |
124 of 7,027 Erlanger households received food stamps within the past year. |
Fort Mitchell |
0.4% |
14 of 3,173 Fort Mitchell households received food stamps within the past year. |
Fort Wright |
0.9% |
23 of 2,471 Fort Wright households received food stamps within the past year. |
Independence |
1.1% |
95 of 8,840 Independence households received food stamps within the past year. |
Lakeside Park |
0.0% |
0 of 1,093 Lakeside Park households received food stamps within the past year. |
Ludlow |
0.0% |
0 of 1,890 Ludlow households received food stamps within the past year. |
Park Hills |
3.2% |
42 of 1,321 Park Hills households received food stamps within the past year. |
Ryland Heights |
1.1% |
4 of 363 Ryland Heights households received food stamps within the past year. |
Taylor Mill |
1.9% |
51 of 2,645 Taylor Mill households received food stamps within the past year. |
Villa Hills |
1.8% |
49 of 2,760 Villa Hills households received food stamps within the past year. |