What percent of Households Receive Food Stamps in Tanaina?
The percentage of households receiving food stamps in the last year in Tanaina is 0.9%.
How Many Households in Tanaina Receive Food Stamps?
There are 24 households out of 2762 in Tanaina receiving food stamps.
Where does Tanaina Rank in Comparison to Other Alaska Cities for HouseHolds Receiving Food Stamps?
Tanaina ranks 37th out of 67 cities and towns in Alaska for the least number of households receiving food stamps. A smaller numeric rank indicates a lower percentage of homes receive food stamps.
How do other cities in Matanuska-Susitna Borough compare to Tanaina when it comes to the percentage of homes receiving Food Stamps?
Cities must have a minimum of 1,000 residents to qualify
City | Food Stamps | Details |
Big Lake |
1.1% |
12 of 1,117 Big Lake households received food stamps within the past year. |
Butte |
0.8% |
9 of 1,145 Butte households received food stamps within the past year. |
Farm Loop |
5.2% |
18 of 348 Farm Loop households received food stamps within the past year. |
Fishhook |
2.1% |
36 of 1,750 Fishhook households received food stamps within the past year. |
Gateway |
0.7% |
13 of 1,872 Gateway households received food stamps within the past year. |
Houston |
2.7% |
18 of 661 Houston households received food stamps within the past year. |
Knik-Fairview |
2.1% |
103 of 4,964 Knik-Fairview households received food stamps within the past year. |
Lakes |
1.6% |
45 of 2,839 Lakes households received food stamps within the past year. |
Lazy Mountain |
2.0% |
11 of 557 Lazy Mountain households received food stamps within the past year. |
Meadow Lakes |
1.9% |
47 of 2,521 Meadow Lakes households received food stamps within the past year. |
Palmer |
1.9% |
38 of 2,002 Palmer households received food stamps within the past year. |
Sutton-Alpine |
0.8% |
3 of 374 Sutton-Alpine households received food stamps within the past year. |
Tanaina |
0.9% |
24 of 2,762 Tanaina households received food stamps within the past year. |
Wasilla |
0.8% |
25 of 2,986 Wasilla households received food stamps within the past year. |
Willow |
0.8% |
6 of 719 Willow households received food stamps within the past year. |