What percent of Households Receive Food Stamps in Badger?
The percentage of households receiving food stamps in the last year in Badger is 1.0%.
How Many Households in Badger Receive Food Stamps?
There are 71 households out of 6894 in Badger receiving food stamps.
Where does Badger Rank in Comparison to Other Alaska Cities for HouseHolds Receiving Food Stamps?
Badger ranks 41st out of 67 cities and towns in Alaska for the least number of households receiving food stamps. A smaller numeric rank indicates a lower percentage of homes receive food stamps.
How do other cities in Fairbanks North Star Borough compare to Badger when it comes to the percentage of homes receiving Food Stamps?
Cities must have a minimum of 1,000 residents to qualify
City | Food Stamps | Details |
Badger |
1.0% |
71 of 6,894 Badger households received food stamps within the past year. |
Chena Ridge |
0.4% |
9 of 2,470 Chena Ridge households received food stamps within the past year. |
College |
1.1% |
57 of 5,017 College households received food stamps within the past year. |
Eielson AFB |
0.6% |
6 of 935 Eielson AFB households received food stamps within the past year. |
Ester |
0.0% |
0 of 699 Ester households received food stamps within the past year. |
Fairbanks |
1.5% |
166 of 11,115 Fairbanks households received food stamps within the past year. |
Farmers Loop |
0.6% |
12 of 1,992 Farmers Loop households received food stamps within the past year. |
Goldstream |
1.6% |
28 of 1,787 Goldstream households received food stamps within the past year. |
North Pole |
0.0% |
0 of 849 North Pole households received food stamps within the past year. |
Salcha |
3.9% |
14 of 360 Salcha households received food stamps within the past year. |
Steele Creek |
0.6% |
16 of 2,755 Steele Creek households received food stamps within the past year. |