Welfare Info

State Crime Victims Compensation

U.S. Department of Justice

What is State Crime Victims Compensation?

State Crime Victims Compensation programs reimburse victims for crime-related expenses. Such expenses include medical costs, mental health counseling, funeral and burial costs and lost wages or loss of support. All states, the District of Columbia, the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam, and Puerto Rico have established compensation programs for crime victims. Although each state compensation program is administered independently, most programs have similar eligibility requirements and offer comparable benefits. 

Compensation is paid only when other financial resources, such as private insurance and offender restitution, do not cover the loss. Some expenses are not covered by most compensation programs, including theft, damage, and property loss. State compensation programs are not required to compensate victims in terrorism cases.


State Crime Victims Compensation is administered by U.S. Department of Justice.

Program Requirements

All U.S. states and territories can apply. To receive compensation, victims must comply with state statutes and rules. This requires victims to cooperate with reasonable requests of law enforcement and submit a timely application to the compensation program.

To identify requirements, the Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) website provides links to Victim Assistance and Compensation Programs and corresponding state administrator contact information.

Application Details

What is the application process for State Crime Victims Compensation?

To apply for this program, visit the National Association of Crime Victims Compensation Boards' (NACVCB) website to locate your state's nearest Victim Assistance and Compensation Program.

Contact Info


How to Apply

State Office Information

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